• Content by: Ayesha Noor Arshad

AWS for Beginners: A Quick Zero to Hero Guide

If your starting your journey with AWS then a clear sense of direction and destination is necessary in order for you to succeed in this venture. Amazon Web Services include a far-reaching set of services that translate into million possibilities. And this characteristic makes AWS a fun skill to learn. This guide includes methodologies and strategies I have discovered during […]

AWS Data Lifecycle Manager: A Quick way to automate AMI and Snapshot Management

AWS provides a quick and easy way to maintain your backups through AMIs and Snapshots. You can manually create AMIs and Snapshots of your EC2 Instance or you can automate this procedure for your ease. Automating the procedure lifts off the responsibility to generate updated AMIs and Snapshots. You can set retention policies and nominate your specified region for backup […]

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