• Content by: Ayesha Noor Arshad

A Guide to becoming an AWS Community Builder

What is AWS Community Builder Program? The AWS Community Builders Program was started as a way to bring together and recognize AWS Enthusiasts and Geeks. The AWS CB program is a year-long program that offers mentorship to the people who love talking about AWS. In this article, you will find: The Responsibilities of an AWS Community Builder. Benefits and resources […]

AWS for Beginners: A Quick Zero to Hero Guide

If your starting your journey with AWS then a clear sense of direction and destination is necessary in order for you to succeed in this venture. Amazon Web Services include a far-reaching set of services that translate into million possibilities. And this characteristic makes AWS a fun skill to learn. This guide includes methodologies and strategies I have discovered during […]

AWS Data Lifecycle Manager: A Quick way to automate AMI and Snapshot Management

AWS provides a quick and easy way to maintain your backups through AMIs and Snapshots. You can manually create AMIs and Snapshots of your EC2 Instance or you can automate this procedure for your ease. Automating the procedure lifts off the responsibility to generate updated AMIs and Snapshots. You can set retention policies and nominate your specified region for backup […]

Understanding AWS Virtual Private Cloud and its Importance

AWS is divided into two separate spaces. Public Space  Private Space Services like S3 and IAM are part of Public spaces where the services span without any regional restriction. Private Space requires resources to be created in a confined isolated network portion. Hence VPC provides this isolated space for Private resources. The sole purpose of this isolation is to provide […]

Understanding JSON and its usage in AWS

In this blog, we will discuss the tale of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). You will find JSON a very useful tool while working with a lot of technologies. The most significant of them all is AWS itself. Hence JSON covers a great base of Scripting in AWS. JSON General Structure JSON is a lightweight way to share data among web […]

All you need to know about writing Least Privilege IAM Policies

The system of AWS IAM Policies provides a granular structure of permission sets. The reason behind this system is Least Privilege Model.  The least privileged principle allows IAM identities to have the least required access level to complete their tasks. And this is an important unit of Well Architectured best practices. In AWS all operations are Implicitly denied until Explicitly […]

Main Principles of Security in AWS Cloud

While discussing the Security of Amazon Web Services which is a collection of over 200 fully managed services. The first thing that needs to be established in this case is that it is a formidable task to secure all of the resources offered by AWS at the moment. Services that are totally different in nature from each other yet overlapping […]

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